Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Enjoy the Time

Recently I read an excerpt from a book by Emilie Barnes. She talked about how we're always so busy we don't take time to slow down and enjoy the process of getting to our destinations. That's been sticking with me ever since.

Lately, I've been pondering the "interruptions" of my young girls and how I get so frustrated that I can't always accomplish the things I'd like to accomplish. The other night, the family set out for a walk around the neighborhood. I started out holding our three-year-old's hand. She was attempting to go anywhere but straight, nearly yanking my arm out of the socket with each dart. Finally, Daddy took her and I had the one-year-old. It wasn't long before Little Miss Independent lost her walking privilege and she and Daddy went back home.

Now some nights I go alone with Darling Daughter #2 and she keeps up exceptionally well, despite the distance. Well, this night was an exception. It seemed she was stopping every few yards to inspect the gravel or pick up a rock. Her eyes were on the ground, not on what was ahead. I was reminded of what Emilie Barnes had written. 'Just enjoy the time. Enjoy the time. . .,' I told myself.

Then as she stopped to look at some wildflowers and weeds, I thought about how Jesus would have acted toward her. Oh, how He would relish it! After all, at least one time He had reprimanded some of His followers for not allowing the children to come to Him. So, I started seeking the same attitude.

You know what? I wasn't rushed anymore. I just got to enjoy my daughter instead of focus on what I wasn't getting to do.

Since then, I've been really trying to put that into practice. God gave us these girls out of His goodness and these times will be gone before we know it. The circumstances may not always be ideal, but they are better than the alternative of never knowing these dear little creatures from God.

Have you visited lately? Check out this Bible study from the life of David. I pray God speaks to many through it.


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