Monday, August 21, 2006

Questions: Skills

This is part two of a series of questions intended to help you find a long-term ministry in which to serve. Part one got us thinking about why we do or do not presently serve in a long-term ministry and to share what improvements we think our churches could make in this area.

The focus of this set of questions is your skills and talents. Be sure to write down your answers somewhere (like in a file saved on your desktop) because at the end of this series, you'll be able to look back at your answers to evaluate what ministries might be ideal for you. Check back soon for questions about what really drives you!

What special skills or talents do you have? Don't be modest here! List everything that comes to mind.

What things do people compliment you on? What do they say you do well? Consider things at work and/or school, at home, or in everyday life.

What skills or talents do you really enjoy using? Maybe they're things you like to do in your job or in your hobbies, whether hands-on (filing, instructing, creating, driving) or abstract (planning, problem-solving, evaluating). Are there things you like to do that you don't get to do anymore?

Here's a fun question to which you can share your answer if you'd like: What's your hobby? If you're feeling creative: How could you turn it into a service if you had the time?


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