Questions: Drive
This is part three of a series of questions intended to help you find a long-term ministry in which to serve. Part one began with why we do or do not presently serve in a long-term ministry and to share what improvements we think our churches could make in this area. To get the most out of this series, I suggest you work from the beginning.
These questions are fashioned to help you determine the things that drive you. These are the things that touch your heart and have the ability to change you from the inside out. When you think about them, you get excited and perhaps see endless possibilities in your involvement with them. These are truly fulfilling when you know you are using them for Christ. Next time, it's gifts and gears!
Whom do you like to work with or help? This could be an age group (kids, young adults, elderly) or special interest group (new Christians, singles, girls with unplanned pregnancies, motorcyclists).
What things have you done in the past that were particularly satisfying? Perhaps it was in a church or parachurch ministry or something you've done to help out someone. What part of the ministry was most rewarding for you?
What is your passion? What gets your blood pumping, be it injustice (the welfare system, church persecution), poor lifestyle choices (Sunday morning Christians, premarital sex) or excitement over something (outdoor adventures, hobbies)?
Tip: Think how you could turn those negative passions into positive ones. Examples: Go from frustration with the welfare system to helping those people find jobs, and from sadness over premarital sex to designing or participating in an abstinence education program).
If you had no other responsibilities, what would you spend your days thinking about, doing, or learning more about? When you're going through your day, what do you wish you were doing instead? Is there a way you could turn it into a ministry? I bet so! Share this/these here! If you're having trouble getting ministry ideas, post your passion here and maybe we can think of something for you!
These questions are fashioned to help you determine the things that drive you. These are the things that touch your heart and have the ability to change you from the inside out. When you think about them, you get excited and perhaps see endless possibilities in your involvement with them. These are truly fulfilling when you know you are using them for Christ. Next time, it's gifts and gears!
Whom do you like to work with or help? This could be an age group (kids, young adults, elderly) or special interest group (new Christians, singles, girls with unplanned pregnancies, motorcyclists).
What things have you done in the past that were particularly satisfying? Perhaps it was in a church or parachurch ministry or something you've done to help out someone. What part of the ministry was most rewarding for you?
What is your passion? What gets your blood pumping, be it injustice (the welfare system, church persecution), poor lifestyle choices (Sunday morning Christians, premarital sex) or excitement over something (outdoor adventures, hobbies)?
Tip: Think how you could turn those negative passions into positive ones. Examples: Go from frustration with the welfare system to helping those people find jobs, and from sadness over premarital sex to designing or participating in an abstinence education program).
If you had no other responsibilities, what would you spend your days thinking about, doing, or learning more about? When you're going through your day, what do you wish you were doing instead? Is there a way you could turn it into a ministry? I bet so! Share this/these here! If you're having trouble getting ministry ideas, post your passion here and maybe we can think of something for you!
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